Enlaces a recursos internet
asturianos y astur-americanos

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Note: Algunos eslabones más largos siguen hasta la siguiente línea. También, en unos casos, la dirección mostrada sobre la pantalla no es la dirección completa en el eslabón subyacente. Así, si se escribe la dirección como está mostrado, se puede llegar a una página menos específica que la página donde se iría con el eslabón completo.

Código de idiomas:

[A] Asturianu
[C] Castellano
[E] Inglés
[F] Francés

The Arts

Asturian Popular Art
http://www.asturies.com/belenos/memoriacelta/ castellano/vida21.htm  [C]
Pre-Romanesque Asturian Architecture
photos: http://www6.uniovi.es/~angelc/galeria.htm [E]
Paleolithic cave art in the Cantabrian region (ranging from Asturias into France)
http://www.muse.or.jp/spain/eng/asturias/asturias_top.html [E]
Three Generations of Asturian-American Painters: Emilio Fernández Alvarez, Honnie Amor Wagner, & Art Zoller Wagner
http://www.ArteAsturias.com [E]

Asturian Communities

Carcedo, Valdés, Asturias (photos, typical foods, fiestas, & other resources)
http://www.todopueblos.com/carcedo-asturias/fotos/ [C]
Parish of Santo Domingo de Miranda, Asturias (community & parish resources)
http://mrbit.es/miranda/ [C]
Worldwide Asturian centers
All Centros Asturianos: http://www.fica.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25&Itemid=28 [C]
New York City: http://www.centroasturiano.org [E,C]
Centro Asturiano de Tampa: http://www.centroasturianotampa.org [E]


Asturian recipes
http://www.somiedo.galeon.com/enlaces455158.html [C]
http://lacuruxa.es/Recetas-de-Asturias/ [C]
http://www.euroresidentes.com/Recetas/cocina-asturiana/asturias.htm [C]
http://www.asturiassalada.com/recetas.htm [C]
http://www.arecetas.com/asturias/ [C]
http://www.vivirasturias.com/dondecomer/Asturias/D%C3%B3nde+comer|Gastronom%C3%ADa|Recetas/es [C]

Folkloric Groups

Asociación de Folclore Azabache: Traditional dance, music, clothing, educational activities, etc. (Gijón)
http://www.netcom.es/azabache/ [C]


http://www.ancestry.com [E]
Barbour County, West Virginia Genealogy (part of the WVGen Web Project)
http://www.wvgenweb.org/barbour [E]
Genealogía de Asturias - Genealogy of Asturias (a Yahoo group)
http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/AsturiasGen/ [E,C]
Harrison County, West Virginia Genealogy (part of the WVGen Web Project)
http://www.wvgenweb.org/harrison [E]
Hispanic Local History and Genealogy in the United States (The Library of Congress)
http://www.loc.gov/rr/genealogy/bib_guid/hispanic/ [E]
Registro Civil, Ministerio de Justicia (Spanish Civil Registry): birth, death, & marriage records
http://www.mju.es [C]


Asturian government
http://www.asturias.es/ [C]
Spanish Embassy in Washington, DC
http://www.spainemb.org/ [E,C]


Asturies Memoria Celta: Asturian history & culture
http://www.asturies.com/node/529 [A,C,E,F]
Museo del Pueblo de Asturias (an ethnological musuem in Gijón)
http://museos.gijon.es/page/5285-museu-del-pueblu-d-asturies [C]
Spanish history
http://libro.uca.edu/payne1/spainport1.htm [E]
http://libro.uca.edu/payne2/spainport2.htm [E]

Immigration & Emigration

Ellis Island On-Line (New York)
http://www.ellisisland.org [E]
Fundación Archivo de Indianos: Museo de la Emigración (Colombres, Asturias)
http://www.archivodeindianos.es/ [C]
Hispanic Local History and Genealogy in the United States (part of larger bibliography by US Library of Congress) [E]
Spaniards in Southern West Virginia (partial Goldenseal article by Tom Hidalgo)
http://www.wvculture.org/goldenseal/Winter01/spaniards.html [E]


L'Academia de la Llingua Asturiana (Academy of the Asturian Language)
http://www.academiadelallingua.com/ [A]
Diccionario General de la Lengua Asturiana (DGLA) de Xosé Lluis García Arias (on-line)
http://mas.lne.es/diccionario/ [A]
Asturianu, the language
http://www.orbilat.com/Languages/Asturian/ [E]
Bron: an argot (vocabulary & idioms) used by Asturian itinerant tinkers (includes language samples, vocabulary, & history of these copper workers)
http://mrbit.es/miranda/dbron.htm#Vocabulario [C, Bron]
Diccionario de la Lengua Espanola: Real Academia Española (on-line Spanish dictionary)
http://www.rae.es/ [C]
Sociolinguistic Report: "Asturian in Spain"
http://www.uoc.edu/euromosaic/web/document/asturia/ an/i1/i1.html [E]


Asturian folk tales
http://www.arrakis.es/~joserm/a_maxica/cuento.htm [A]
Corsino, Corsino's autobiography about laaving Asturias as a child and returning as an adult
Our affiliate link to Corsino on Amazon.com [E]
Pinnick Kinnick Hill, an Asturian-American immigrant memoir by Gavin Gonzalez
Our affiliate link to Pinnick Kinnick Hill at Amazon.com [E]


Asturian gaita (bagpipe), Asturian tambor (drum), & Gijón's Museo de la Gaita
http://www.asturies.com/viesca/gaita/historia.htm/ [A,C, some E]
Construction of traditional musical instruments (mostly Iberian instruments: photos, sound samples, instructions, etc.)
http://www.es-aqui.com/payno/pral.htm [C]
Galician gaita (bagpipe) & the gaita in general
http://clip.dia.fi.upm.es/~boris/gaita/node1.html [E]
Terminology of Iberian musical instruments
http://www.tamborileros.com/tradiberia/nombres.htm [C]
US Gaita Asturiana: email list for North Americans who play or are learning to play the Asturian bagpipes (discussion, photos, midi files, guides, sheet music)
http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/us_gaita_asturiana/ [E]

Mythology of Asturias

Retelling the Legends of Asturias
http://www.arrakis.es/~joserm/a_maxica/ [A,C,E?]


Picos de Europa: tourist info, photos, etc. for this rugged mountain region of Asturias
http://www.picoseuropa.net/ [C]
Protecting Spanish fauna
http://www.fauna-iberica.mncn.csic.es/ [C,E]

Periodicals & Media

Asturnews (LLanera, Asturias)
http://www.asturnews.com [A]
Asturies.com: Diariu Electrónicu Asturianu (Gijón & Oviedo, Asturias)
http://www.asturies.com/ [A]
Clarksburg Exponent Telegram (West Virginia)
http://www.cpubco.com/ [E]
El Comercio (Gijón, Asturias)
http://www.elcomerciodigital.com/ [C]
La Nueva España (Oviedo, Asturias)
http://www.lanuevaespana.es/ [C]
La Voz de Asturias (Oviedo, Asturias)
http://www.lavozdeasturias.es/ [C]

Photos & Videos of Asturias

Videos, photos, and articles related to Asturian culture and tourism
http://www.whereisasturias.com [E]
http://vimeo.com/whereisasturias [E]
Aerial photos of Asturian towns and cities: Asturias desde el cielo por Robert B. Haas
http://mas.lne.es/fotos/galeria.php?foto=751 [C]
La Fototeca del Muséu del Pueblu d'Asturies / Photo Library of the Museum of the People of Asturias
http://museos.gijon.es/page/9864-fototeca-de-asturias [C]


The Archdiocese of Asturias (information leading to parishes, sociological data by region, etc.)
http://www.iglesiadeasturias.org/ [C]


Asturian Internet Directory
http://asturi.as [C,A]
Weather in Asturias
http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/08011.html [E]
White Pages for Spanish phone numbers
http://blancas.paginasamarillas.es [C]
Yellow Pages for Spanish phone numbers
http://www.paginasamarillas.es [C]


Using these affilliate links helps support the forum. There is no added cost to you.

Please visit our full list of our affiliate links (only a few are here)
http://www.asturianus.org/affiliateLinks.html [E]
Amazon (books, music, DVD, electronics, clothing, toys, games, etc.)
Our affiliate link for Amazon.com [E]
La Tienda, Williamsburg, Virginia (Asturian foods, books, paella supplies, fans, botas, ceramics, glass, tiles, perfumes, gifts, etc.)
Our affiliate link for La Tienda [E]
Pinnick Kinnick Hill, an American Story by Gavin Gonzalez
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0937058629/ asturianameri-20 [E]

Tourism, Travel, & Maps

El Caminoreal: Detailed info on Asturian tourism, including: parks, beaches, hiking suggestions, museums and monuments, nature, foods, mythology, history, etc.
http://www.el-caminoreal.com/ [C]
Guiastur: Very comprehensive info on Asturian tourism, towns, culture, foods, festivals, press, sports, businesses, Centros Asturianos; photo album, etc.
http://www.guiastur.net/ [C]
Guide to Western Asturias (tourist info, map, towns, hotels, restaurants, photos, language, foods, weather, archeology, & much more)
http://www.asturoccidente.com/indexenglish.htm [C, some E & A]
Maps of Asturias
http://www.ayto-aviles.es/AytoAvilesPortal/portal/cn/InformacionGeneral/GaleriaAmpliada [C]
http://www.bing.com/maps [C]
Sociedad Regional de Turismo del Principado de Asturias
http://www.asturias.es/portal/site/infoAsturias [C, E]
VivirAsturias.com (links to tourist info including: towns, hotels, restaurants, maps, etc.)
http://www.vivirasturias.com/ [C]

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