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Catálogu d'Etiquetes de Sidre/Cider Labels Catalogue

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:37 am
by Anzu
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El Catálogu d'Etiquetes n'internet

El Catálogu d'etiquetes obra del nuesu collaboraor Miguel Angel García Otero, atópase dende agora na rede.


Pioneru na ellaboración del "Catálogo de Etiquetas de sidra Natural" editáu por LA SIDRA, Miguel Ángel García Otero torna a destacase cola espublización na rede de la versión correxía y ampliá d'esi catálogu, lo que pon n'evidencia non solo la capacidá de trabayu y el compromisu del mencionáu autor, sinon tamién el so desinterés crematísticu, darréu que la consulta al mesmu ye de baldre dafechu.

Cofundador de la asociación de colleicionismu sidreru SIDRASTUR de la que ye agora mesmo presidente, esti mierense siempres venceyáu al colleicionismu y a Asturies, comprométese a facer una ampliación progresible del mencionáu catálogu, conforme vaigan espublizándose etiquetes, a incluyir tamién les etiquetes de sidre brut y axampanao, y a mediu plazu a dir incluyendo etiquetes sidreres de tol mundiu.


The Cider Labels Catalogue is on the internet

The Cider Labels catalogue of our collaborator Miguel Angel García Otero, is since now on the web.


Pioneer in the elaboration of the "Natural Cider Labels Catalogue" edited by LA SIDRA, Miguel Ángel García Otero remarks himself again with the corrected and extended publishing of this catalogue, what highlights both the work capacity and the compromise of the aforementioned author, and his selfless chrematistic, because the consult of the catalogue is completely for free.

Co-founder of the SIDRASTUR Cider Collecting Group of which is president, this man from Mieres always linked to collecting and Asturies, is compromised to make a progressive expansion of the catalogue, as new cider labels are published, and to include the brut and champagne cider labels, and medium term to include cider labels from all over the world as well.