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Where are the Castro Bros.? Dónde están los Castro?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:20 am
by Terechu
The million-dollar question these days must be the whereabouts of Fidel and Raúl Castro. I can't even begin to imagine the saber-rattling and knife-wielding that must be going on behind the scenes. Will things change in Cuba to remain the same or will a new era be ushered in, whether the Cubans want it or not?

La pregunta del millón de estos últimos días tiene que ser dónde están Fidel y Raúl Castro. No quiero ni imaginarme el ruido de sables y las puñaladas traperas que debe de haber entre bambalinas. ¿Cambiarán las cosas en Cuba para seguir siendo iguales o se irá propiciando el comienzo de una nueva era, tanto si los cubanos quieren, como si no?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:47 pm
by Xose
Good question. It remains to be seen how Castro's brother will rule when he passes. The lack of military suppression of the demonstrations in the '90s may be a good sign. Still, the Cubans (sometimes into the forth or fifth generation by now) in FL are all acting as if they should start packing their bags now. I wouldn't act so fast. I have a feeling that we wil have more of the same after Castro's death, although you never know what the death of a longstanding dictator will bring, politically. Spain proved that in the '70s.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:55 am
by Eli
Although Fidel is getting better, eventually he’ll pass on, when that happens don’t think that Castro’s death will amount to a hill of beans in the short term. If you think about it there is a whole class in Cuba that depends on things staying the same, if you were part of the ruling class would you want things to change? not likely, not until you have an exit strategy. And that may take a while.


A pesar de que Fidel se esta mejorando eventualmente va a fallecer, me parece que cuando eso suceda su defuncion no va a ser motivo de un cambio de direccion politica. Despues de todo tenemos que tener en cuenta que hay toda una clase de governantes que depende de que la situacion, el 'status quo' se mantenga, por lo menos hasta que ellos tengan su futuro asegurado de otra manera.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:42 pm
by Xose
Eli wrote:Although Fidel is getting better, eventually he’ll pass on, when that happens don’t think that Castro’s death will amount to a hill of beans in the short term. If you think about it there is a whole class in Cuba that depends on things staying the same, if you were part of the ruling class would you want things to change? not likely, not until you have an exit strategy. And that may take a while.
One would think. But then again, who would have expected King JC to step up and be the pro-democracy stalwart he became after the death of Franco? Most folks thought Spain would continue down the well-trodden path of dictatorship, but it didn't happen that way.

Still, I'm inclined to agree with you that changes won't come all at once, if at all....

Re: Details Pls.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:43 pm
by Xose
ros001 wrote:Dear,
Could you please explain to me all about Fidel and Raúl Castro.
Kind regards.
Uh....Fidel Castro is the dictator of Cuba. Raúl is is brother, the head of the military. :roll:

These links should help, if your question wasn't sarcastic:

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:12 pm
by Terechu
I believe the situation in Cuba is not comparable to that of Spain - we had a fascist dictator supported by the upper classes. the catholic Church and skuccessive US Governments. However, Cuba's situation is rather similar to that of the German Democratic Republic, which was virtually unsupported after the Soviet Union collapsed and was wiped away from the face of the earth, its industry and agriculature destroyed and its leaders jailed. I'm convinced that is exactly what the USA have in mind with Cuba.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:38 am
by Terechu
Raquel, if you look at the date of my post you will realize that things have taken a turn for the better which at that time nobody could foresee (I mean the election of Obama and the subsequent first steps to normalize relations in the near future).

Mirandolo bien

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:13 am
by Raquel M
El cancer continua igual, lo que suceda en el exterior no importa,
el cuartico esta igualito....

The cancer continues the same, whatever happens outside ( it doesn't
matter whatever happens in other countries or the world ) the little room
has not changed, it's the same ( Cuban expression, meaning no changes
at all ! )