Gabriel García Márquez

2-D & 3-D disciplines: painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, jewelry, etc.<br>
Disciplinas bidimensional y tridimensional: pintura, escultura, cerámica, grabado, alhajas, etc.

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Gabriel García Márquez

Post by Bob »

An interesting photo of Nobel winnign Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez sporting a black eye, supposedly from an altercation with Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. ... ?th&emc=th

You may have to register to see the photo and the article, but registration is free and will give you access to most of the NY Times articles. I'm a big fan of García Márquez' writing, and have often used his short story "A very old man with enormous wings" in my class Evolution in Biololgy and Literature.
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Post by Terechu »

Thanks for the link, Bob. I remember seeing that picture and reading about the incident with Vargas Llosa some 30 years ago. Both of them were world famous already and it was quite a story.
I read "One hundred years of solitude" in 1973 for the first time, and have re-read it about 10 times since. It has lost none of its magic.
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