Gochu y sidre / Pork and cider / Cerdo y sidra

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Gochu y sidre / Pork and cider / Cerdo y sidra

Post by Anzu »

Noticia garra de / New picked from: www.lasidra.as

N'asturianu / In Asturian: http://lasidra.as/index.php?option=com_ ... &Itemid=71

N'ingles / In English: http://lasidra.as/index.php?option=com_ ... &Itemid=71

Gochu y sidre

Les xornaes del gochu que se cellebrarán en Bimenes, incluirán tamién una preba de sidre.

Los prósimos 1 y 2 d'avientu, Bimenes cellebrará les sos tradicionales Xornaes del Gochu, xornaes gastronómiques que coincidirán cola cellebración de la VIII Feria Agroalimentaria y de Productos Artesanos que tendrá llugar el domingu 2 d'avientu na pista poliesportiva del Colexu Públicu Martinporra.

Arriendes de los más de 30 espositores participantes, la presencia d'artesanos y la música y el baille del país, tamién tendrá llugar una preba de sidre gratuita pa los asistentes.


Pork and cider

The pork days that will take place in Bimenes will also include a cider tasting.

On the next 1st and 2nd of December, Bimenes will celebrate its traditional Pork Days, a gastronomic event that will coincide with the celebration of the VIII Agroalimentary and Artisan Products Fair that will take place on the Sunday 2nd of december in the sports center of the Martimporra Public School.

Apart of the more than 30 participating stands, the presence of artisans and country music and dance, there will also be a cider tasting for free for the attendees.
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