Victimes el franquismu / Victims of the francoism

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Victimes el franquismu / Victims of the francoism

Post by Anzu »

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Iniciatives pa la reconocencia a les víctimes del franquismu en Sobrescobiu y Casu

Les victimes del franquismu de los conceyos de Sobrescobiu y Casu van ser oxetu nes prósimes selmanes de distintos actos de reconocencia y homenaxe ente los que s'inclúi la presentación d'una moción nel Plenu de dambos conceyos y la celebración de dos “Actos de Memoria y Homenaxe”.

Impulsada en dambos casos por familiares de represaliaos de dambos conceyos esta dinámica empezó cola presentación nel Conceyu de Casu d'una moción que diba ser tratada nel Plenu de Setiembre anque por motivos técnicos nun foi asina, quedando pa la prósima sesión plenaria.

Tres ella los impulsores de la iniciativa tienen previsto facer unes Xornaes d'Homenaxe a les Victimes del Franquismu, qu'inclúin la realización d'una charra sobre l'algame de la represión franquista nel conceyu y un actu públicu d'homenaxe a les victimes de la mesma.

Nel casu de Sobrescobiu la moción foi presentada nel Plenu del pasáu 23 d'Ochobre col sofitu d'IX yá que d'otra forma nun fuera posible la so inclusión por cuenta d’una normativa municipal restrictiva pa cola participación ciudadana. En siendo presentada, el discutiniu y votación sobre la mesma foi retrasada al Plenu del prósimu mes de Xineru coles mires “d'ameyorala”, sigún argumentaron IX y PSOE, favorables a dichu retrasu.

Conxuntamente con esta moción la iniciativa de reconocencia y homenaxe a les victimes de la represión franquista en Sobrescobiu punxo en marcha tamién la celebración de dos actos de memoria y homenaxe que tendran llugar los díes 23 y 24 de payares nel Centru Social de La Pedrera” en Sotu d’Agües.

El vienres 23, a les 19:00 hores, tendrá llugar la proyeición del documental “Prohibido recordar” sobre la cárcel de muyeres de Saturrarán, asitiada en Gipuzkoa, y a onde foron llevaes pol réxime franquista miles de preses politiques, munches d'elles asturianes y ente elles trés orixinaries de Sobrescobiu.Al día siguiente, sábadu 24 de payares, a les 13:00 hores, nel mesmu Centru Social, va tener llugar un pequenu homenaxe a les persones del conceyu represaliaes pol réxime franquista tres la victoria de los golpìstes.

Tantu en Sobrescobiu como en Casu va ser esta la primer vegada que se trate nos sos consistorios una moción de reconocencia a les victimes del franquismu, daqué que como dicen los impulsores d'estes iniciatives “da bona imaxe de la desdexación y l'olvidu qu'escontra elles hubo hasta agora y en munchos aspeutos sigue habiendo”, motivu pol cual decidieron poner en marcha estes iniciatives al cumplise'l 75 aniversariu de la entrada de les tropes franquistes en dambos conceyos.


Initiativer for the recognition for the victims of the francoism in Sobrescobiu and Casu

The victims of the francoism in the councils of Sobrescobiu and Casu
are going to be a matter in the coming weeks of acts of recognition and homage in which is included a presentation of a motion in the plenary of both councils and the celebration of "Acts of Memory and Homage".

Carried out in both cases by family of the repressed ones in both councils, this movement started with the presentation in the council of Casu of a motion to be treated in September's plenary but that due to technical issues was going to be for the next session.

After that the promoters of the initiative intedn to make a Days of Homage for the Victims of the Franco regime, which includes a speech about the extent of the Franco's repression in the council and a public act of homage for the victims.

In the case of Sobrescobiu the motion was presented on last 23rd of October supported by IX since otherwise it could not be possible its inclussion due to a municipal normative very restrictive for the citizen intiative. When presented, the discussion and voting about it was delayed for next January's plenary with the aim to "improve" it , according to IX and PSOE, the ones responsible for this delay.

Along with this motion for the recognition and homage to the victims of the Franco's regime repression in Sobrescobiu there is also the celbration of two acts of memory and homage that will be held on the days 23rd adn 24th of November in La Pedrera Social Center in Sotu d’Agües.

On Friday 23rd at 19:00 hours there will be the screening of the documentary "Forbidden to remember" about the women prison in Saturrarán, in Gipuzkoa, and to where thoysands of political prisoners were carried after the victory of the putschists.

Both in Sobrescobiu and in Casu it will be the very first time to be trated in the consistories a motion for the recognition of the victims of the Franco's regime, something that according to the promoters of this initative "gives a good view of the negligence and oblivion that there has been against them until now and there still be in many aspects". A good reason for the starting of this initiatives is the anniversary of the entrance of the francoist troops in both councils.
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