Festival Infantil de la Mazana/Children's Apple Festival

Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.

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Festival Infantil de la Mazana/Children's Apple Festival

Post by Anzu »

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http://www.lasidra.as/index.php?option= ... &Itemid=71

LA SIDRA entamó'l Festival Infantil de la Mazana en Villaviciosa

Cientos de neños y neñes participaron faciendo sidre y deprendiendo a echalo, nes actividaes que LA SIDRA organizó dientru'l Festival de la Mazana.

Dientru la programación del Festival de la Mazana d’esti añu, una actividá especialmente prestosa, camentada pa los más piqueños, pero na que tamién dellos pas y mas participaron con gustu.

Nuna tierra de llagareros, la reciella foi más que receutiva a la hora de ponese a facer sidre, y amosaron a les clares que, puestos a mayar (colos tradicionales mayos y el duernu) tien más emportancia les ganes que se pongan qu’el tamañu.

Munchos de los participantes pasaron les tres hores enteres que duró l’actividá mayando y trabayando col llagarín, comu auténticos profesionales. Prestaba ver como, si bien pa dalgunos yera daqué nueo dafechu, otros yeren braeros espertos na materia, teníen llagar en casa o mayaren dacuandu colos güelos.

Otros prefirieron el taller d’echar sidre (agua nesti casu, que la sidre nun ta pa tiralo) nel que Berto Leal fue desplicando, un a un, la téunica correcha pa facer aportar la sidre al vasu.

Tamien equí surdió la sospresa: un par de neños amosaron tener el pulsu y la prautica abondos pa presentase nos prósimos campionatos d’echaores. Impresionante.

Toos ellos tuvieron, amás, la oportunidá d’amazcarase con motivos sidreros, abondando les mazanes (variedá colloraona, verdialina o Ernestina, en función de les preferencies de collor), les reines de la sidre, los pumares faciales y les corones de mazana.

Arriendes de les actividaes infantiles, LA SIDRA tuvo presente col so puestín nel que ufiertamos información so la revista y les nueses actividaes, ocasión que munchos aprofitaron pa completar les sos coleciones colos numberos atrasaos o soscribise a la mesma.


LA SIDRA created the Children's Apple Festival in Villaviciosa

Thousands of children participated making cider and learning how to pour it in the activities that LA SIDRA organized inside the Apple Festival.

Inside the program of this year's Apple Festival, a specially nice activity, designed for the little ones, but in which some parents participated happily.

In a land of cidermakers, the tods were more than receptive at the time to make cider, and clearly showed that, while apple smashing (with the traditional "mayos" and "duernu") it's more important the willing to do it than the size.

Lots of participants spent the whole three hours that the activity took apple smashing and working with a small cider press, like true professionals. It was nice to see how it was for some people something completely new but others were experts in the field, since they had a cider press at home or did smash with their grandparents.

Some others preferred the the cider pouring workshop (water in this case, cider is not to be wasted) in which Berto Leal did explain, one by one, the correct technique to get the cider into the glass.

Also here there was a surprise: a pair of kids showed to have the enough pulse and practice to present to the next cider pourers contests. Impressive.

Moreover, all of them had the chance to dress up with cider motives, abounding the apples ("colloraona", "verdialina" or "ernestina" varieties depending on the color preferences), the cider queens, the facial apple orchards and the apple crowns.

Apart of the children's activities, LA SIDRA was present with its stand in which there was made available information about the magazine and our activities, chance that lots of people took to complete their collections with the old issues or to subscribe to it.
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