sentecia de muerte pal occidente

What is needed for Asturias to prosper?<br>
¿Qué se precisa para que Asturias prosperará?

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sentecia de muerte pal occidente

Post by mofusu »

sentencia de muerte pal occidente d'Asturies
death sentence for western Asturies ... 10530.html
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Post by Anzu »

Asturies nun consume namái que la cuarta parte la enerxía létrico que produz, el restu mándase pa España.
Ye tiempu d'entamar a face-yolso pagar nes elleiciones y dexar de votar a estos cafres que prostituyen el nuesu futuru y'l de los nuesos fíos.


Astuires consumes just the quarter part of all the energy that it produces, the rest of it is sent to Spain.
It's time to begin to make them pay by the ellections and stop voting this scum that are prostituting our future and our sons'.
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