Atlantica XXII (bi-monthly magazine)

News about books, recordings, films, etc. related to Asturias.<br>
Noticias acerca de libros, discos, películas, etc. relacionados con Asturies.

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Post by is »

A new issue of Atlantica XXII hit the streets on July 4th (2009) in Asturias. From what I've been told, it seems to be getting better both content-wise and graphically.

It comes with the usual critical look at 'business as usual' in Asturias: the grandstanding of former politicians at the summer panel discussions of La Granda (Xixon), a look at Asturian county mayors as the new 'caciques' (feudal lords), an article on Republican refugees from Spain's Civil War, an opinion piece by Francisco Garcia Valledor on the lack of political engagement by contemporary Asturians and many other pieces. You can see a full table of contents at:

And for those of you in Xixon (Gijon) these days, Xuan Candano, the editorial manager and person behind the magazine, will be giving a talk on Tuesday, July 16, as part of the city's Semana Negra events. Here is the front cover of the latest issue.


El 4 de xulio saliu la edicion 3 de la revista asturiana Atlantica XXII.
Cuntoume xente que ta n'Asturias que tien bona pinta nos contenios ya no disenu grafico.

La revista apaez esta vegada pa falar del 'business as usual' asturianu: politicos d'ayer que tan nos cursos de branu de La Granda (Xixon) pa fadese tratar d'oraculos polas 'autoridaes' (paez que inda tamos na domina franquista), un articulo falando de cumo se fixenon neo-caciques los alcaldes de municipios, un reportaxe sobre refuxaos republicanos ya un articulo d'opinion de Francisco Garcia Valledor que vei sobre la pasivida ya resignacion de la socieda asturiana d'anguano. Echade un ueyu a los contenios:

Pa los que tean en Xixon, Xuan Candano, el direutor de la revista, vei charrar no tendayu de Radio Kras el 16 de xulio (xunetu, pa los del centro) a las 19H30 na Selmana Negra. Aiqui ta la portada d'Atlantica XXII esti mes:

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Post by Berodia »

Y publicidad a plena página de organismos dependientes de la administración asturiana.

Ya sabemos quienes les dan de comer. Por lo tanto, es de esperar que las críticas contra Álvarez Areces, su gobierno, la FSA, y sus innumerable chanchullos vayan disminuyendo.

Trans. Is

And a full-page ad by organizations funded by the Asturian government.

That means we already know who is backing the magazine. I suspect the criticism leveled against Alvarez Areces [the Asturian president], his government, the FSA [Asturian Socialist Federation] and the countless shady business deals are on their way down.
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Post by is »

Berodia wrote:Y publicidad a plena página de organismos dependientes de la administración asturiana...And a full-page ad by organizations funded by the Asturian government.
Has decinos de quien ia esa publicida, que tou d'alcuerdu nun ia bona senal porque la revista brega por ser independiente ya n'Asturias la censura se fai enxertando publicida nos medios de comunicacion (cumo se fai na Federacion Rusa, por cierto).


You should tell us what ad or ads you're referring to because I agree that it's not a good sign for a magazine that purports to be independent. In Asturias, censorship takes place silently by way of advertising revenue (incidentally, the same thing is what takes place in the Russian Federation).
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Post by Berodia »

Un ejemplo: ... 1246651764

Otra cosa es que cualquier aventura empresarial sea prácticamente imposible en Asturias si no pasas por el aro de Vicente Álvarez Areces, su gobierno, la FSA, y sus innumerable chanchullos/empresas públicas.

Trans. Is

Here's an example [click on link above]

It is indeed practically impossible to start a business or project in Asturias without going through the network of Vicente Alvarez Areces [Asturian president], his administration, the FSA and the [Socialist] party's countless side businesses and rent-seeking state-owned appendages.
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Post by is »

Thanks for letting us know about the ad, Berodia. It looks like the advertiser is the Social Services Department of the Asturian government, which is headed by Noemi Martin from IX [Izquierda Xunida, left-wing coalition partner of the FSA]. I agree institutional advertising should stay out of the magazine and will pass the message on.

Trans. Is

Munches gracies, Berodia. Paez que la publicida ye de la Conseyeria de Bientar nel gobiernu asturianu, na que ta de directora Noemi Martin d'Izquierda Xunida. Tou d'alcuerdu que esti tipu de publicida istitucional manca la credibilida d'una revista cumo Atlantica XXII y que ye'l primer pasu dica la censura nun futuru. Vou manda-yos un mensaxe.
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